Saturday, September 13, 2008

Random Little Man Conversations

The other day we were in the store getting some groceries and we were talking about having tuna fish sandwiches for dinner.

Me: Mommy’s going to put some pickles on your tuna fish sandwich.
LM: Really?! I like pickles. Is Grandma going to have some?
Me: No, Grandma doesn’t like pickles.
LM: Grandma, you need to try pickles again. You might like them.
GM: I don’t like pickles. I tried them when I was little. They’re yuckie.

Yesterday morning we made some strawberry milk to drink with breakfast. I poured Little Man a glass and asked him to try it.

LM: This is yuckie mommy.
Me: It’s not yuckie. Just try it.
LM: Grandma says pickles are yuckie and she didn’t try them.

Needless to say I poured him a glass of regular milk after that.

When I picked Little Man up from his father the other day we were supposed to meet Grandma for dinner. She was supposed to get off work at a certain time and she wasn’t answering her phone. I finally decided to call my sister and make sure I had the right time.

Me: Mommy’s going to call Aunt Amy to make sure Grandma was supposed to get off at 7.
LM: How are you going to call Aunt Amy mommy? Do you have her number?
Me: Yes baby, I have her phone number.
LM: Mommy, do you have my daddy’s number?
Me: Yes baby, I have daddy’s number.
LM: Mommy, when I go to daddy’s you call me at daddy’s number so I can talk to you okay? Is that a deal?
Me: Yes baby, that’s a deal.


I took Little Man to the Halloween store last weekend to pick out his costume. He had his choice between Spider Man, Batman, Iron Man, Superman and a Power Ranger. He picked the blue Power Ranger costume. The costume is padded to look like muscles. When he put it on he said......

"Mommy!! I have big boobies!!!"


Anonymous said...

"I have big boobies!!!" This is one thing I wish I could say. hahaha...

I love the costume. He's grown so much!

And are we talking sweet pickles or dill pickles?


Crystal said...

What was really funny HeHo is that he came up to me a few minutes later and said "Mommy I have big boobies like you!!" Bwahahahahaha!!!!!

And we were talking about dill pickles.