Last week I had my medication changed. I wasn't sleeping any and I had started to sweat like a pig. After two days of calling I finally go them to give me some free samples of Zyprexa. The first couple of days it was working like a charm. I was sleeping through the night and the excessive sweating had stopped. The ADD like symptoms of my manic episodes are more pronounced but I think that may be because I'm more aware of them.
The last couple of nights have been rough though. I've gotten back to where I wake up at least once a night. Great. Just what I needed and wanted. I had started to enjoy my sleep again.
My next appointment isn't until the 30th so I'm going to give the meds until then to settle themselves out before I freak out on the poor nurse again. Bless his heart, he really was a trooper during those two days I kept calling.
I have a job interview tomorrow. Everybody cross your fingers that they like me so I can get the hell out of my wonderful office. I've had it up to you know where with that place. I'm going to be dancing my way down the long hallway to the parking lot on my last day.
On a lighter note...
My mom rode with me to pick up Little Man the other day. On our way home he was singing something in the back seat. I don't know what he was saying but he kept repeating it over and over again. My mom asked him to stop and he asked her why.
Grandma: Because it's annoying.
LM (in a sing song voice): I'm annoying you. I'm annoying you. I'm annoying you. I'm annoying you.
That little youknowwhat is definitely my child.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
4 days ago